So, there is officially a CrossFit thingy going on at my gym.  We have minimal equipment but they are adding on and I think I will be officially joining soon.  They don't program great but I want to be part of the CrossFit community and I might get a chance to be a trainer here!

Long story long, I will be posting some of their workouts when I do them.

4 Tabatas - do each exercise as a Tabata (8 sets, 20s on 10s off)
Air Squat
rest 1 min
Push Press (65lb)
rest 1 min
Sit Ups
rest 1 min
KB Swing (45lb)

Count the lowest rep total for any of the 8 intervals of each exercise and that is your score   
Long story short, walk into my gym Monday ready to do the mandatory WOD below and low and behold there is a guy claiming to do a CrossFit I join in.  I'll go into mroe detail later, it was decent.

Long Excessive warm up
3 Rounds:
Lunges - 8 lengths of gym (20ft, about 8-10 lunges depending on height, so total 64-80 lunges)
15 burpees
20 KB Swings (45lb)
30 Sit ups
Couldn't get the equip I needed for Challenge WOD, here is a workout I did, and it was AWESOME

Skill Work:
Power Clean

5 rounds:
5 Front Squat (135lb) from ground (No rack)
30 Double Unders
10 KB Swing (50lb)
5 PUll ups

Reminder, here is what the challenge was:

The Challenge:
How much can you improve in 8 weeks!
1) Complete Hero Wod "Wittman" on or around 12/7/11
2) Train for 8 weeks
3) Complete "Wittman" again on or around 2/4/11
4) Calculate % improved
5) Win the adoration of many beautiful people of your desired sex

This is a CrossFit Littleton thing and we thought it would be a great way to really track some progress and compete with Rich and his whole gym (they don't know about it, but we do!).  Link for any other info is here:

20 min AMRAP
15 Kettlebell swings (24kg or 53lb or 1.5pood) (I will use 45lb cuz that is what I have)
15 Power Cleans (95lb)
15 Box Jumps (24")

Scale this however you want if you feel you need to, this is for anyone to compete in, you just have to make sure you do it the same again in 8 weeks.

Results from first time:
Brian: 5rds, 15 KB swings, 3 Cleans

Scale 3: 45lb KB, 25.5" Box Jump
(we have a 18.75" box and a 6.75" box...obviously)

Joe: 5rds + 15KB swings

I think I did it as Rx'd. 50lb DB because the 55lb was being used, 95lb clean, and ~24" box.
34 KB Swings (45lb)
34 Box Jump (20")
34 Goblet Squats (50lb)
34 Push Up’s
34 Sit Thru’s
34 Sit Up’s
34 Jumping Lunges
34 Goblet Squats (50lb)
34 Box Jumps (20")
34 KB Swings (45lb)
_Back Squat: 5/5/5
Max rep L-Chin Up between sets

15 O-Squats (105lb) (no rack, weight comes off the ground)
15 KB Swings (45lb)
50 DU’s
10 O-Squats
10 KB Swings
50 DU’s
5 O-Squats
5 KB Swings
50 DU’s

12 min cutoff

Penalty: 20 burpees, then finish workout and post time.
WOD: (with partner)
6 rounds:
25 box jumps (24")
25 American KB Swings (45lb)
25 Burpees

One person may work at a time, working until they need a break and then partner takes over where they left off